Chain slings


Factor of Safety 4 : 1

Single Single Choked 2 – Leg Slings 3 & 4 Legged Slings
Angle 0º to 90º 90º to 120º 0º to 90º 90º to 120º
Chain Size

Uniform Load Method of Rating

Work Load Limits in Metric Tons
7mm 1.50 1.20 2.12 1.50 3.15 2.24
10mm 3.15 2.50 4.25 3.10 6.70 4.80
13mm 5.30 4.25 7.50 5.30 11.20 8.00
16mm 8.00 6.30 11.20 8.00 17.00 11.80
20mm 12.50 10.00 17.00 12.50 26.50 19.00
22mm 15.00 12.00 21.20 15.00 31.50 22.40
26mm 21.20 16.95 30.00 21.20 45.00 31.50
32mm 31.50 25.20 45.00 31.50 67.00 47.50

WLL applies to both rectangular and circular loads, which must not exceed 120ºN.B. When a Grab Hook is used as the end fitting, the Working Load Limit will be the same as for Choke Hitch. (Reduced by 20%)These maximum Working Load Limits apply to chain and chain slings used under ideal service conditions.In deciding on the size of Chain Sling required, very careful consideration must be given to the angle of inclination between the Chains at the point of
suspension and particularly in the case of choke hitches. As this angle increases, there is a decrease in the Working Load Limit of the Chain sling as shown in the tables on this page. Use the widest included angle between any 2 – 4
legs to establish the applicable WLL.

Extreme Heat Conditions The strength of all chain slings is adversely affected by heat and care must be exercised when using chain slings at elevated temperatures. Where the temperatures are likely to be higher than 200ºC it will be necessary to derate the usual WLL.

Corrosive Conditions Chain and attachments should not be used in an acid or other corrosive environments. If a
sling is inadvertently exposed to acid or alkali, even for a short period, it must be withdrawn from service.

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